My little garden is turning into a jungle. I can't do anything about it at the moment other than ineffectually poke at things with a crutch, so I'm just going to let nature take its course and enjoy it as it is.
Last night I picked baby courgettes about five inches long straight from the plant, sliced them in half and grilled them on the barbeque. We also barbequed whole red peppers (not home-grown unfortunately) and halloumi and ate it all in french bread with onion chutney. Delicious, and even more so for being eaten outside on a balmy evening. I can't wait for the tomatoes to ripen, hopefully they'll get a move on now we've finally got some sunshine.
I have nasturtiums growing like crazy all over the place.
They're currently dropping these large seed-pods all over the garden - I'll have to find out if there's anyway of drying them out to use next year.
The sweet peas have more blooms everyday. I've already had two vases full and they just keep coming. I went for subtle colours this year - these are 'Champane Bubbles' and are delicate peaches and cream colours. I've already made a mental note to go bright next year. These are pretty, but they get a little lost amongst all the other colours crammed into the garden.
The cats had turned semi-feral in this wonderful weather. If I didn't feed them inside they'd never have come in to the house. Of course it's a different story now it's raining and they want to sit on my lap with wet muddy paws.
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