Sunday, 28 August 2011

Break-up Cupcakes

Earlier this week the couple next door parted ways. Whilst treading the fine line between not wanting to look like I was prying and still getting all the gossip to pass on to City Boy, I managed to ascertain that their relationship had suffered a long, drawn-out demise and that he was finally moving out of their shared flat. What do you say in such a situation? I have no idea, so instead I baked goodbye, cheer-up, all-the-best, plenty-more-fish cupcakes to send off with him and all his wordly posessions.

I felt that if any humble cupcake could convey all that it would be red velvet with cream cheese icing.

I did try and explain that I hadn't made cupcakes because I thought him leaving was a celebratory occasion, but rather that baking is my instinctive reaction to many and varied circumstances. I think he understood.

I had intended to insert some photos into the above text, but remembered my intention only after I had sent the final remaining cupcakes off to work with City Boy.

We're currently up North, originally for a wedding on Friday, and currently spending a couple of days in the beautiful Peak District, dodging the showers by hiding in country pubs. When you emerge to a sight like this it's difficult to mind the rain too much.

1 comment:

  1. that is really thoughtful of you - I hope he appreciated it! xxx
