Friday 1 April 2011

Opposite of a To-Do List - A 'Done List'?

I have to admit, I was feeling a little disheartened after my post earlier in the week when I detailed exactly how much I hadn’t crossed off my list for March. In fact, yesterday was the 1st of April and I haven’t yet written a new one. Instead, today I’m going to write a list of ten things I have done in the last week.
1.      Grown some little chilli seedlings. Granted, I planted them about 3 weeks ago but I watered them every day and they sprouted this week, so I’m counting it.

2.      Hung a little polka dot bird hook for drying herbs (and hopefully chillies) on in the kitchen. Currently in use for some bay leaves swiped from my mum’s garden. Must plant my own bay tree.

3.      Worked until 1am at least one night this week

4.      Bought a Yucca plant and put it in a sweet little vintage pot.

I’m undecided about the Yucca – for some reason every time I look at it I think of the 1990s. Not sure why I’ve made that association. But the pot is very pretty – it reminds me of cross stitch.

It used to hold our washing up cloths and brushes, so I need to find something else to do that job now.

5.      Shortened a vintage summer dress. Notice I said ‘shortened’ and not ‘hemmed’ – a deliberate choice of words. I took the scissors to it, but it’s a jersey that won’t fray, so left at that for now. Nothing wrong with a short cut.

6.        Cooked Hugh's quinoa stirfry (seriously - try it, it's awsome) and a butternut squash and sweet potato stew with rosemary scones.

7.      Made lemon biscuits and a delicious quinoa stirfry.

8.      Cleaned my kitchen approximately seventeen times.

9.      Rescued about five earthworms from sharp claws and teeth

10.  Cuddled each kitten at least twice a day

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